Preparing for Camp
You’ve made your decision to attend a Camp ROYAL program - LET’S GO! It’s time to start preparing for your time with us! You can find all the information you need on this page.
- Complete your Online Registration
- Pay your Balance in Full
- Get Packing!
Packing List
Clothing to Wear Each Day
- Close-Toed Shoes
- Shirt, Pants or Appropriate Length Shorts
- Sweatshirt, Jacket or Sweater - Optional
Supplies to Consider
- Sunscreen
- Contacts/Glasses with Case and Solution
- Sunglasses/Hat
- Refillable Water Bottle
- Small Daypack or Backpack
- Bible + Journal/Writing Utensil
Riding Gear
- Helmet is REQUIRED for all sports!
- Scooter: Complete Scooter [Required] Knee Pads [Highly Recommend] Elbow Pads, Wrist Guards, Mouth Guard, Ankle Support [Optional]
- BMX/Dirt Jump: Bike [Required] Knee Pads [Highly Recommend] Gloves, Elbow Pads Wrist Guards, Mouth Guard, Ankle Support [Optional]
- Skateboard: Complete Skateboard [Required] Knee Pads [Highly Recommend] Elbow Pads, Wrist Guards, Mouth Guards, Ankle Support [Optional]
Cell Phone Policy
At Camp ROYAL we realize that cell phones are a convenient way for campers to document riding clips and photos. While this is a positive attribute, cell phones do come with lots of distraction capabilities. There will be specific time frames where campers will be allowed to have their phones in their possession. If during those times at camp, campers are distracted, disconnected, or distributive while having their phone, it will be confiscated.
- Any Daily Medications
All prescription & OTC medications must be checked-in to the Camp Nurse at arrival and can be checked-out at departure. Campers are not allowed to keep prescription medication on their person unless accompanied by a note from your camper’s physician (this includes Tylenol, Advil, Topical Creams, Vitamins, etc).
What you should NOT bring to Camp
- Hazardous or combustible materials: weapons, firearms, knives, mace, lighters/matches, candles/fireworks, incense.
- Gaming devices
- Animals/pets
- Expensive jewelry
- Tobacco products/vapes/alcohol
- Inappropriate reading materials
- Walkie Talkies
Camp ROYAL is not responsible for lost items. Your camper will have a location to keep all their things, and it is up to the camper to keep track of their belongings.
Please be sure all camper belongings have their name clearly marked on all items as sport equipment, clothes, etc. tends to look alike.
Camp ROYAL has the ability to confiscate any items that are a distraction or potentially harmful to either camp or campers.