Cody Flom
- Age: 24
- Hometown: Lakewood, CA
- Stance: Regular
- Status: Pro
- Disciplines: Park
- Current Build: My V4 deck and wheels, Lucky to bars, Ethic Marrow fork and Tilt SCS
- When you started riding: 2010
Park/Facility: Adrenaline Alley, Corby UK
Trick: 540 Flair or Deck Grab Untwist Britwist Whip
Bible Verse: 2 Timothy 2:4 “No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.”
Hobbies Outside of your Sport: Gym, running, pickleball
Road Trip Snacks/Drinks: Kettle corn, water and ice
Movie: Ford vs Ferrari
Book: Kingdom Man by Tony Evans
Instagram: codyflom
TikTok: codyflom
YouTube: codyflomrides
Sponsors: Lucky Scooters
What is something in your life you are looking forward to in the next year?
“Getting married!”
What are you most excited about as you enter this summer at ROYAL for Progression Camp?
“Super excited to spend time with all the athletes both on and off their scooters. I think there is going to be some really sweet time of getting to know one another and growing both in our character and skill on our scooters.”

Cody Flom, one of Camp ROYAL’s passionate coaches and outstanding leaders, loves getting to share his skills with kids at camp. Boys and girls, ages 9-17, come from all over the country to spend an exciting week at our West Virginia overnight summer camp.

I can’t take credit for what I have been able to do over the years in scootering, especially in terms of competing internationally. The Lord has shown me tons of grace and favor throughout my life even though I’m not worthy.